Dear humans

I am here to tell you, I am not one of you.
I have come here for a mission to study you.
I have been here from the beginning and I have noticed.
Love is the most powerful thing you posses.
Kindness is your weakness, yet it is the most important.
I can see your soul, it is so bright in your little heart.
The only thing destroying you is your self.
Humans, listen to me. Life is not that complicated.
You are a specie with feelings, so please.
Care for each other and work together and you will be the most powerful..
In this universe.
I am very interested in you. I will be watching.
I am interested to see how long this love will last.
How far love will take you.

Then I met you

I was deep in the ocean, surrounded by monsters.
I could see the sunlight yet I never felt it’s warmth.
I hold my breath, I held it for way too long.
I decided to take a walk on land, seeking for something.
Then I met you…..
You showed me the way, showed me something I never saw.
You gave me powers, you told me what I can hear.
Now I’m up in the skies, floating with the clouds.
You held me tight. You still haven’t let go.
Now I see the ocean I was once in.. from here.
Where the monsters lurk, but I’m not afraid.
Because I met you.

Moment is ours

We tend to mourn our past and worry our future.
We know we cannot do anything, yet we stress.
Everyone goes through it so no one tells us.
Live the moment, enjoy your now. This is the time.
Run from the past, don’t ever let it catch up.
Work hard, give it all and welcome the future.
You will succeed, you will come out on top.
It’s your time to shine. It’s our time to shine.

Let’s live

We came into this world to live. So make the most out of it.
We are on this planet to thrive, so add a little kindness.
We run, we run far, so why not look back once in a while.
We fall, we all fall down, so let’s help each other up and never give up.
We die, we all eventually die, so let our memories live on. Let us never be forgotten.

Warm day to warm my soul

It’s really hard to express my feelings these days.
It’s a feeling I’ve never had, never have I felt it.
It feels like a million stars twinkling in my chest.
The ocean crashing against my heart.
A warm day warming my soul.
Can you tell me what this feeling is?
I accept this feeling but it stays.
I try and let it pass but it always looks back.
It holds on, it never lets go.
It’s such a weird feeling, yet.. it’s comfortable.
I think I’m done here, I’ll go tend my heart.
I’ll be back though, let’s speak again.

Waiting for your turn

There will be days where you will feel like you’re all alone.
You’re surrounded by people that love you, but still…
People calling out, people watching, it’s weird. 
Every where you walk, all you see is you.
Every time you look in the mirror, there’s nothing but you.
You know, yes you really do.. There’s so many people out there.
Yet, you feel so alone, like nothing is there anymore.
People call out, you hear nothing, people leave, you sigh.
People come in, you see nothing, people are silent, you cry.
Sleep is never enough, dreaming is so much better.
Everything is disappearing and you wait for your turn.

Losing you

Tell me how I make you feel.
My feeling is head over heels.
I’m so into you it sounds crazy.
It’s the crazy that makes you happy.
It’s like a rock slide that’s not bad.
You destroy all the fears I had.
Well I still have one big fear.
Come close so you can hear.
I just wanted to tell you.
The fear is losing you.


Just nature things

As I sit on this bus, I’m thinking to my self.
What treasure have I just left on the shelf.
Did I miss something important to me.
Did I let go something that is the key.
Lights in the tunnel light my face and I think.
What if I missed my opportunity because of a blink.
I see clouds, so low they can kiss on the lips.
What if it was the cloud I should of grabbed on its hips.
It’s weird, nature does crazy things to my mind.
I never know what I’m going to find.
But one thing is for sure tho.
Just read this a little bit more.
Live with passion, live free.
Be strong, stand tall like an oak tree.

Hold me

Hold me in your arms.
I will just close my eyes, you can keep me warm.
I may fall asleep without saying a word.
But the thing is, my mind is running, it’s restless.
Please don’t let go, I won’t let you go.
I will drift off, into an endless sea of imagination.
I will be lost in thought forever and never wake.
Reality will be too far, I would never reach it.
Hold me in your arms tonight. 

Passion fuels your confidence.

Ok well, I have a final exam tomorrow and I’m taking a study break right now. I’m writing a lot today to get all the stuff on my mind out of my head so I can focus on school stuff. Alright then.. LEGGO.

Ok, I bring up confidence a lot. It’s just so important in life, it’s actually surprising. So maybe I can bring some of that confidence up for you. But first, story time.

My whole life, I was different from other people. I grew up in a small town, so being a different ethnicity really made me a target to make fun of. It wasn’t bad, it was always a playful comment, but over the years, it just stuck to me that Asian people were inferior to Caucasian. (Everyone Is EQUAL). So in my head, I was just this, not very good looking boy, not very smart, doesn’t party, quiet and I really sucked at a lot of things. (Things changed, Maybe it’ll be a story for another day.)

After all that low self esteem feeling in my mind for years, I decided to look for something to brag about. I found one thing I was really passionate about. Soccer. I practiced so hard, every day kicking a ball around so I can make this thing.. well.. me. I wanted soccer to define me as a person.  

What I’m trying to say is.. Find a passion. Work hard! Get good at it, be the best and let that fuel your confidence. Honestly, girls and guys love confidence. People looking for employees, people looking for friends love confidence. Use what you love, keep it in your heart. You are way more than what you think you are. Trust me

The day is yours to dominate, the sun shines for you to succeed. Get our there and be who you are, love what you got and be confident. 

Also please.. Don’t forget to smile. It makes the world go round. 
